Example :- write a javascript code for the following conditions-
© Grade of 90 and above to 90's is an'A'
©Grade of 80 t0 89 is 'B'
©Grade of 70 t0 79 is 'C'
©Grade of 60 t0 69 is 'D'
©Grade of 59 t0 bilowi 'F'
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script language="javascript">
var g ;
g=prompt("Input your Hindi marks");
if(g>90 || g==90)
alert ("Garde 'A' ");
else if(g>=80 && g<=89)
alert ("Garde 'B' ");
else if(g>=70 && g<=79)
alert ("Garde 'C' ");
else if(g>=60 && g<=69)
alert ("Garde 'D' ");
else if(g==59 || g<59)
alert ("Garde 'F' ");
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